Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Karma


If daily life mimics my silent thoughtsmy swirling, nonsensical, crazed inner dialog—and the subconscious imprints of my deeper self, then there must be some rather inauspicious energy floating about the landscape on which I  roam. Or shall I say, race? 

A glacial tempest lashes across the icy expanse, chafing my body and soul. And then, things seem to drop from the sky. Like snow. And trees. 

And Santa Claus.

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Yes, Santa: the primum mobile of my inane, rubber-soled run across the permafrostthe weight of the world alongside memy sweep down the crystalline slippery slope, the inescapable impinging icebergs. Panic swells as I dodge the descending, crimson-suited Kringle, with his threatening Santa claws, and the icy peaks jutting from below. My winter wonderland, replete with holiday hurdles, yuletide yack, mistletoe misgivings, tinseled terror, Noël nightmares. 


And why this?... when the Christmas landscape should look like this:

Sparkling evenings, merry chatter and cheer; early morning's snowfall slicing the air. 

Why? Perhaps it has something to do with this familiar tag: Procrastination.

Or the indisputable fact that it all just creeps up too quickly? Though I've had, at least, since Halloween.

If anyone should ask, all I want for Christmas is this:

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  1. On my Christmas vacation in Mammoth (California) mountain, they had a show of music and fireworks over a blanket of snow. Unfortunately I missed it trying to get chains onto a very uncooperative car. But the next day it was like the last picture.

  2. I'd like that kind of Christmas too, picturesque, memorable. Not procrastination so much as I think we do too much for Christmas and make it much more difficult for ourselves than we need to.

  3. I am too illiterate to understand this. ahem Merry Christmas to you any your family Janer. Weren't we on the boat about a week ago.

  4. Shopgirl- sorry to hear you missed the evenings magic but it sounds like you made up for it the next day. Such beauty out there.
    LA- you're right, I do this to myself every year. You'd think I'd learn by now.
    TCM - Oh sure, says the guy who keeps company with Twain and Proust. How time flies, was it just a week ago? Newport Harbor would have been awfully chilly then. Merry Christmas!

  5. I live in the north east of England and this will be our first white Christmas in my lifetime - I'm 35!

    Snow really makes a Christmas doesn't it. Unless of course it snows every year!

  6. MC - It sure does make for a cheery Christmas. How exciting for you... hope you got lots of the white stuff.
